We want our employees to be safe working at NLI. Our vision is ZERO injuries and accidents for all parts of our business.
HSE is a joint responsibility. As a proactive and learning organisation, we live our values and HSE vision.
NLI will ensure that our working environment is healthy and safe. Our employees are proactive, collaborative and follow the rules and regulations. In this way we all contribute to the safety and positive environmental development for all of us.
We work systematically to build a strong HSE culture, where each of us take responsibility for how we improve and perform. We live and breathe the HSE culture as a natural part of our business.
If employees see risks, they are encouraged to report them as a preventive means. A near miss today can be an accident tomorrow. The rule of thumb is to work together proactively so that the organisation can continuously strengthen our HSE culture.
All of our employees understand safety, know the responsibility and handle risk. We care for ourselves and each other. We get involved in the safety of the department or project, and think safety for ourselves and colleagues when travelling.
We use «Stop work» for unsafe work activities, report openly, share information and learn from events. We actively search for hazard signals and take proactive action. The output is a continuously improved working environment.